The Problem
Rapidly growing numbers of chronic childhood illnesses and disorders raise a serious concern among health care professionals, educators, parents, public health authorities, and scientists. People of the Western industrially developed countries have never witnessed such breathtakingly rapid growth of chronic ailments in children: asthma, seasonal allergies, chronic sinusitis and ear infection, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, gluten and lactose intolerance, skin rashes, food sensitivities, depression, anxiety, learning disabilities, suicidal thoughts, ADHD, ADD, autism, addictions, aggression, sleep disorders, and many more. The list can go on and on.
Very often parents of affected children are completely puzzled and confused: they do not understand what is happening and don't know what to do. As a rule, and despite their best intentions, mainstream medical and pediatric healthcare practitioners frequently are unable to provide effective solutions to this staggering problem of chronic ailments in children: children get overmedicated, many disorders are not perceived as serious, parents' concerns about their children do not receive due attention. Perhaps, it is the systematic failure of the modern healthcare to address these problems before they've become too serious: preventive measures and healthy lifestyle could go a very long way.
Some researchers, while trying to understand the causes of chronic diseases in children, have come to very sobering conclusions about the multifaceted and systematic challenges that modern way of life poses to humanity: we are dealing with unprecedented global environmental, political, societal, technological, and public health challenges.
We are at that point where we are no longer in a position to ignore the reality: we must confront the problem of rapidly growing epidemic of childhood diseases with intelligence, effectiveness, and calmness before it becomes unmanageable.
Healing through understanding a child's biography
Defining the problem
We start with very attentive and keen observation of a child: the overall image of a child, the impression we receive, behavior, movements, and temperament will point to both general and specific features of the child's constitution. A child's ailment is most likely the result of disturbances in the normal functioning of the organs and interactions between the nerve-sense pole, rhythmical system and metabolic-limb system. We will also look for potential environmental toxins, medical history, biographic information, family situation, and other relevant details of a case. This detailed and very thorough evaluation will lead to understanding of the problem and creating strategies for recovery.
Designing the pathway to solution
Once the problem is well researched and understood, we will look for simple and effective ways to address it. Parents play a very important role in the process of recovery: without their care, encouragement and supervision the long lasting results could not be achieved on the path to wellness. In most cases, the solution lies in the areas of organizing healthy and balanced nutrition, setting up and maintaining healthy rhythms, getting rid of environmental toxins, limiting exposures to EMF and electronic devices, and recommending appropriate remedial substances. Every individual child is looked at as a unique being, and every case deserves and receives its due attention.
1 hr 30 min
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